Life is a clay urn on the mantle Life is a clay urn on the mantle A vida é uma urna de barro no Manto And I am shattered on the floor And I am shattered on the floor E eu estou despedaçado no chão Life is a clay urn on the mantle Life is a clay urn on the mantle A vida é uma urna de barro no Manto And I am scattered on the floor And I am scattered on the floor E eu estou disperço no chão We are the wounds and the great cold death of the earth. . . We are the wounds and the great cold death of the earth. . . Nós somos a ferida e o grande frio da morte da terra. . . "Earth is floating on the waters like an island, "Earth is floating on the waters like an island, "A terra está flutuando nas águas como uma ilha, Hanging from four rawhide ropes Hanging from four rawhide ropes Enforcando por quatro cordas brutas Fastened at the top of the Sacred four directions. Fastened at the top of the Sacred four directions. Apertado no topo das sagradas quatro direções. The ropes are tied to the ceiling of the sky, The ropes are tied to the ceiling of the sky, As cordas estao amarradas ao forro do céu, When the ropes break, this world will come When the ropes break, this world will come Quando as cordas arrebentarem, este mundo irá vim Tumbling down and all living things will fall with it and die. . ." Tumbling down and all living things will fall with it and die. . ." Caindo abaixo e todas as coisas viventes vão cair com ele e morrer. . ." Life is a clay urn on the mantle Life is a clay urn on the mantle A vida é uma urna de barro no Manto And I am the fragments on the floor And I am the fragments on the floor E eu sou os fragmentos do chão Life is a clay urn on the mantle Life is a clay urn on the mantle A vida é uma urna de barro no Manto And I am the ashes on the floor And I am the ashes on the floor E eu sou as cinzas do chão We are the wounds and the great cold death of the earth We are the wounds and the great cold death of the earth Nós somos as feridas e o grande frio da morte da terra Darkness and silence, the light shall flicker out. . Darkness and silence, the light shall flicker out. . Escuridão e silêncio, a luz irá apagar