
Malleus Maleficarum

Malleus Maleficarum

Open my eyes as I submerge Open my eyes as I submerge Abra os olhos como eu vou afundar and I won't deny what I've been since birth. and I won't deny what I've been since birth. e não nego que tenho estado desde o nascimento. I'll die drowned by your standards. I'll die drowned by your standards. Vou morrer afogados pelos seus padrões. Breathe in the life of the summmer's death as the orange Breathe in the life of the summmer's death as the orange Respira na vida da summmer da morte como o laranja and red breathe their first breath, and red breathe their first breath, e o vermelho primeiro breath seu respirar, so welcome as they're burning through. so welcome as they're burning through. assim como eles são bem-vindos através de queima. We all begin to burn. We all begin to burn. Estamos todos começar a queimar. Autumn's flame dance's in my eyes Autumn's flame dance's in my eyes dança da chama do outono em meus olhos Set alight for all we've learned. Set alight for all we've learned. Incendiados para todos nós aprendemos. My ashes falling. My ashes falling. Minha cinzas caindo. My skin is singed but it heals my heart My skin is singed but it heals my heart Minha pele é singed mas cicatriza meu coração and with glowing pride I'll wear my scars. and with glowing pride I'll wear my scars. e com orgulho rubro vou vestir minhas cicatrizes. I'm honored by your hatred. I'm honored by your hatred. Estou honrado por seu ódio. Leaves fall we arise again, Leaves fall we arise again, Folhas que caem surgir novamente e, and the end impending, and the end impending, ao final iminente, ela vai começar. it will begin. it will begin. Então, bem-vinda, So welcome as it's burning through. So welcome as it's burning through. uma vez que através da queima. Ashes fall and I'm rising up again. Ashes fall. Ashes fall and I'm rising up again. Ashes fall. Cinzas cair e eu estou subindo para cima novamente. Ashes fall. Ashes fall as we all arise. Ashes fall. Ashes fall as we all arise. Cinzas caem. Cinzas caem. Cinzas caem à medida que surgem todos.

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