
The Best Is Yet To Come

O melhor está por vir

Once I was a man of fortune Once I was a man of fortune Uma vez eu fui um homem de fortuna Lived my life with pearls and gold Lived my life with pearls and gold Vivi minha vida com pérolas e ouro Had my time with wine and roses Had my time with wine and roses Me diverti com vinho e rosas I never thought of getting old I never thought of getting old Nunca pensei em envelhecer Time went by and I got wiser Time went by and I got wiser O tempo passou e eu fiquei mais sábio Loved and lost, along the way Loved and lost, along the way Amado e perdido, ao longo do caminho I found the meaning of forgiveness I found the meaning of forgiveness Eu encontrei o significado do perdão Pardoned enemies and prey Pardoned enemies and prey Inimigos perdoados e presas When it rains, I look for rainbows When it rains, I look for rainbows Quando chove, procuro arco-íris When it’s dark, I see the stars When it’s dark, I see the stars Quando está escuro, eu vejo as estrelas Call me a dreamer, call me naïve Call me a dreamer, call me naïve Me chame de sonhador, me chame de ingênuo I will always say, the best is yet to come I will always say, the best is yet to come Eu sempre direi, o melhor ainda está por vir Call me a simple man, call me naïve Call me a simple man, call me naïve Me chame de homem simples, me chame de ingênuo On my dying bed I’ll say, the best is yet to come On my dying bed I’ll say, the best is yet to come Na minha cama de morrer, direi, o melhor ainda está por vir Many times, I feel like screaming Many times, I feel like screaming Muitas vezes tenho vontade de gritar Bang my head against the wall Bang my head against the wall Bato minha cabeça contra a parede Watch my luck run through my fingers Watch my luck run through my fingers Observe minha sorte correr pelos meus dedos Losing faith in all Losing faith in all Perdendo a fé em tudo Then I close my eyes in silence Then I close my eyes in silence Então eu fecho meus olhos em silêncio Feel the spirit, that I crave Feel the spirit, that I crave Sinta o espírito que anseio April showers, bring May flowers April showers, bring May flowers Chuvas de abril, traga flores de maio Growing on my grave Growing on my grave Crescendo em meu túmulo When it rains, I look for rainbows When it rains, I look for rainbows Quando chove, procuro arco-íris When it’s dark, I see the stars When it’s dark, I see the stars Quando está escuro, eu vejo as estrelas Call me a dreamer, call me naïve Call me a dreamer, call me naïve Me chame de sonhador, me chame de ingênuo I will always say the best is yet to come I will always say the best is yet to come Sempre direi que o melhor ainda está por vir Call me a simple man, call me naïve Call me a simple man, call me naïve Me chame de homem simples, me chame de ingênuo On my dying bed I’ll say, the best is yet to come On my dying bed I’ll say, the best is yet to come Na minha cama de morrer, direi, o melhor ainda está por vir The best is yet to come The best is yet to come O melhor está por vir The best is yet to come The best is yet to come O melhor está por vir When it rains, I look for rainbows When it rains, I look for rainbows Quando chove, procuro arco-íris When it’s dark, I see the stars When it’s dark, I see the stars Quando está escuro, eu vejo as estrelas On my dying bed I’ll say, the best is yet to come On my dying bed I’ll say, the best is yet to come Na minha cama de morrer, direi, o melhor ainda está por vir On my dying bed I’ll say On my dying bed I’ll say Na minha cama de morrer eu direi The best is yet to come The best is yet to come O melhor está por vir

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