
T. V. War

Guerra da TV

T. V. War is part of life T. V. War is part of life Guerra da TV é parte da vida Entertaining and far, far away Entertaining and far, far away Entretendo e distante, muito distante What a story and how they fight What a story and how they fight Que história e como lutam Let's gamble and guess who will win Let's gamble and guess who will win Vamos apostar e ver quem ganhará Danger is nowhere Danger is nowhere O perigo é nenhuma parte We still gotta chance to switch off We still gotta chance to switch off Nós ainda temos chance de desligar Remote control and the guarantee Remote control and the guarantee O controle remoto é a garantia Is somewhere else Is somewhere else É em algum outro lugar T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV Bloodless but deadly and cruel Bloodless but deadly and cruel Pouco sangue, mas mortal e cruel T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV We are eating while we're watching We are eating while we're watching Nós comemos enquanto assistimos People die on the screen People die on the screen Pessoas morrendo na tela Toasted, roasted and scrambled and fried Toasted, roasted and scrambled and fried Brindados, assados, forçados e fritados We are greedy and pay We are greedy and pay Nós somos vorazes e pagáveis Information - in between Information - in between Informação ? no meio Missiles are in the air Missiles are in the air Mísseis estão no ar You can hear them and see You can hear them and see Você pode vê-los e ouvi-los They're already here They're already here Eles já estão aqui T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV Bloodless but deadly and cruel Bloodless but deadly and cruel Pouco sangue, mas mortal e cruel T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV Oh yeah! Oh yeah! Oh yeah! According to informed sources According to informed sources De acordo com fontes informadas Of the defense ministry: Of the defense ministry: Do ministério da defesa: There is no confirmation There is no confirmation Não há nenhuma confirmação That enemy missiles have penetrated our airspace That enemy missiles have penetrated our airspace Esses mísseis inimigos penetraram no nosso espaço aéreo Impact is estimated in a matter of minutes Impact is estimated in a matter of minutes O impacto é estimado numa questão de minutos Good evening! Good evening! Boa noite! T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV Bloodless but deadly and cruel Bloodless but deadly and cruel Pouco sangue, mas mortal e cruel T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV Bloodless but deadly and cruel Bloodless but deadly and cruel Pouco sangue, mas mortal e cruel T. V. War - T. V. War T. V. War - T. V. War Guerra da TV - Guerra da TV

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