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in storybooks children become leaders in storybooks children become leaders Em livros de histórias, crianças crescem para se tornarem líderes innocence leads our young to fall victim to innocence leads our young to fall victim to a inocência guia nossos jovens para serem vítimas das (we're not your slaves) (we're not your slaves) (nós não somos seus escravos) the disadvantages our parents have brought before them. the disadvantages our parents have brought before them. das desvantagens que nossos pais trouxeram diante deles grow up fast and lose sight of becoming and infuence. grow up fast and lose sight of becoming and infuence. cresça rápido e perca a noção de se tornar uma influência (and i'll never sleep, i'll never sleep again) (and i'll never sleep, i'll never sleep again) (e eu nunca dormirei, eu nunca dormirei de novo) they stole our innocence they stole our innocence eles roubaram nossa inocência, they stole our foundation. they stole our foundation. você quebrou nosso fundamento. broken by production, released at ten. broken by production, released at ten. quebrado pela produção, liberado às dez. before you kill your idols before you kill your idols antes de você matar seus ídolos, kiss them good night. kiss them good night. dê-lhes um beijo de boa noite. after birth the hand that feeds may bleed. after birth the hand that feeds may bleed. depois de nascer, a mão que alimenta talvez sangre. transformers for abuse. transformers for abuse. transformadores por abuso. (we're not your slaves) (we're not your slaves) (nós não somos seus escravos) legos build the outcome legos build the outcome legos constróem o resultado, whether its mental or physical whether its mental or physical seja mental ou físico before you kill your idols before you kill your idols antes de você matar seus ídolos, kiss them good night! kiss them good night! dê-lhes um beijo de boa noite! (and i'll never sleep, i'll never sleep again) (and i'll never sleep, i'll never sleep again) (e eu nunca dormirei, eu nunca dormirei de novo) mother i'll bleed for you mother i'll bleed for you mãe, eu sangrarei por você, as father bled for me. as father bled for me. assim como o pai sangrou por mim. mother i'll bleed for you mother i'll bleed for you mãe, eu sangrarei por você, as father bled for me. as father bled for me. assim como o pai sangrou por mim. before you kill your idols before you kill your idols antes de você matar seus ídolos, kiss them good night. kiss them good night. dê-lhes um beijo de boa noite. before you kill your idols before you kill your idols antes de você matar seus ídolos, kiss them good night. kiss them good night. dê-lhes um beijo de boa noite. ...2,3,4.. ...2,3,4.. ...2, 3, 4... before you kill your idols before you kill your idols antes de você matar seus ídolos, kiss them good night. kiss them good night. dê-lhes um beijo de boa noite.

Composição: A Static Lullaby

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