
Paint Us Green

Pinte Conosco Verde

Yesterday, has gone away Yesterday, has gone away Ontem, foi embora Has gone away, has gone away Has gone away, has gone away Foi embora, foi embora Has gone away Has gone away Desapareceu Little memories are now awake Little memories are now awake Pequenas memórias são agora acordado Honor Honor Honrar As the steps of summer times As the steps of summer times Como os passos de tempos de verão Walks on grime Walks on grime Caminhadas na sujeira Years walked fast Years walked fast Anos andou rápido Revolution drive the past Revolution drive the past Revolução conduzir o passado Years walked fast Years walked fast Anos andou rápido Revolution drive the past Revolution drive the past Revolução conduzir o passado Come and hug the waiting people Come and hug the waiting people Venha abraçar as pessoas esperando 'Cause you're the one 'Cause you're the one Porque você é o único Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Color happy face Color happy face Cor cara feliz Of nights and days Of nights and days De noites e dias Cause you are the one dream Cause you are the one dream Porque você é o único sonho Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Running out from the diary Running out from the diary Esgotar-se do diário Cases that came and made us shrink Cases that came and made us shrink Casos que veio e nos fez encolher Darkness and sadness that were Darkness and sadness that were Escuridão e tristeza que foram Sync with the stars Sync with the stars Sincronizar com as estrelas Came and swins Came and swins Veio e swins Came and stick Came and stick Veio e vara Years walked fast Years walked fast Anos andou rápido Revolution drive the past Revolution drive the past Revolução conduzir o passado Years walked fast Years walked fast Anos andou rápido Revolution drive the past Revolution drive the past Revolução conduzir o passado Come and hug the waiting people Come and hug the waiting people Venha abraçar as pessoas esperando 'Cause you're the one 'Cause you're the one Porque você é o único Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Color happy face Color happy face Cor cara feliz Of nights and days Of nights and days De noites e dias Cause you are the one dream Cause you are the one dream Porque você é o único sonho Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde [Solo: Pooyan] [Solo: Pooyan] [Solo: Pooyan] Snow falls, Snow falls, Neve cai, Icy dreams and Icy dreams and Sonhos de gelo e Memories like Memories like Memórias como White doves White doves Pombas brancas Softly shaped with day light Softly shaped with day light Suavemente em forma com a luz do dia Years walked fast Years walked fast Anos andou rápido Revolution drive the past Revolution drive the past Revolução conduzir o passado Years walked fast Years walked fast Anos andou rápido Revolution drive the past Revolution drive the past Revolução conduzir o passado Come and hug the waiting people Come and hug the waiting people Venha abraçar as pessoas esperando 'Cause you're the one 'Cause you're the one Porque você é o único Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Color happy face Color happy face Cor cara feliz Of nights and days Of nights and days De noites e dias Cause you are the one dream Cause you are the one dream Porque você é o único sonho Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde Paint us green Paint us green Pinte-nos verde

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