This song is not about you This song is not about you Esta canção não é sobre você It's not about me It's not about me Não é sobre mim It's about the blood and the blade It's about the blood and the blade É sobre o sangue e a lâmina Stabbed into the back of somebody Stabbed into the back of somebody Apunhalada nas costas de alguém Somebody is someone who is stable Somebody is someone who is stable Alguém é alguém que é estável But still remains unable to really be himself But still remains unable to really be himself Mas ainda permanece incapaz de realmente ser ele mesmo Cause if he were he Cause if he were he Porque se ele fosse ele Then she would still be with somebody Then she would still be with somebody Então, ela ainda estaria com alguém And not someone else And not someone else E não outra pessoa Someone else Someone else Outra pessoa This song is not about me This song is not about me Esta canção não é sobre mim And the battles that I've won And the battles that I've won E as batalhas que eu ganhei It's about the warped kitchen floor It's about the warped kitchen floor É sobre o chão da cozinha deformado From the water left on to run From the water left on to run Da água à esquerda para correr And the pile of dirty dishes And the pile of dirty dishes E a pilha de louça suja That is never done That is never done Que nunca está feito And the ashes in the sink And the ashes in the sink E as cinzas na pia Floating in the water Floating in the water Flutuando na água Somebody doesn't wanna have to Somebody doesn't wanna have to Alguém não tem que fazer But somebody oughtta But somebody oughtta Mas alguém deve Lay down the law, don't change your style Lay down the law, don't change your style Estabeleça a lei, não mude seu estilo Lead on to leave Lead on to leave Leva pra sair Baby come on back for a while Baby come on back for a while Baby volte por um tempo Lay down the law, don't change your style Lay down the law, don't change your style Estabeleça a lei, não mude seu estilo Lead on to leave Lead on to leave Leva pra sair Baby come on back for a while Baby come on back for a while Baby volte por um tempo For a while For a while Por um tempo This song is a survey of scenes somebody sees This song is a survey of scenes somebody sees Esta canção é um levantamento de cenas alguém vê Masked with melodies Masked with melodies Mascarada com melodias There's no way to let go, no way to forget There's no way to let go, no way to forget Não tem como deixar ir, não tem como esquecer That there's nowhere to grow That there's nowhere to grow Que não há lugar para crescer Just the room to regret Just the room to regret Apenas o quarto para se arrepender Where she holds him back confined to a space Where she holds him back confined to a space Onde ela o detém confinado a um espaço But she holds somebody in the first place But she holds somebody in the first place Mas ela tem alguém em primeiro lugar Lay down the law, don't change your style Lay down the law, don't change your style Estabeleça a lei, não mude seu estilo Lead on to leave Lead on to leave Leva pra sair Baby come on back for a while Baby come on back for a while Baby volte por um tempo Lay down the law, don't change your style Lay down the law, don't change your style Estabeleça a lei, não mude seu estilo Lead on to leave Lead on to leave Leva pra sair Baby come on back for a while Baby come on back for a while Baby volte por um tempo For a while For a while Por um tempo Somebody is stranded light years from home Somebody is stranded light years from home Alguém está encalhado a anos-luz de casa On a planet where people On a planet where people Em um planeta onde as pessoas Are not like his own Are not like his own Não são como ele mesmo Where they pay to be brainwashed Where they pay to be brainwashed Onde eles pagam para sofrerem uma lavagem cerebral And told what to see And told what to see E disse o que ver And not many dare question authority And not many dare question authority E não muitos ousam questionar a autoridade Where a sick television is coughing up blood Where a sick television is coughing up blood Onde uma televisão doente está tossindo sangue And it stains every life and it's starting to flood And it stains every life and it's starting to flood E isso mancha todas as vidas e está começando a inundar Fills the holes in our brains Fills the holes in our brains Preenche os buracos em nossos cérebros As it pours from the screens As it pours from the screens Como se derrama das telas And it stains the newspapers and the magazines And it stains the newspapers and the magazines E isso mancha os jornais e as revistas Lay down the law, don't change your style Lay down the law, don't change your style Estabeleça a lei, não mude seu estilo Lead on to leave Lead on to leave Leva pra sair Baby come on back for a while Baby come on back for a while Baby volte por um tempo Lay down the law, don't change your style Lay down the law, don't change your style Estabeleça a lei, não mude seu estilo Lead on to leave Lead on to leave Leva pra sair Baby come on back for a while Baby come on back for a while Baby volte por um tempo Lay down the law Lay down the law Estabeleça a lei Lay down the law Lay down the law Estabeleça a lei Don't change your style Don't change your style Não mude o seu estilo Don't change Don't change Não mude Lay down the law Lay down the law Estabeleça a lei Lay down the law Lay down the law Estabeleça a lei Lay down the law Lay down the law Estabeleça a lei