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It's so pathetic It's so pathetic Isto é tão patético In a million ways In a million ways Em um milhão de maneiras What a desperate disgrace What a desperate disgrace Que desonra desesperada Strung out, so proud, big mouth Strung out, so proud, big mouth Dependente, tão orgulhoso, boca grande Have we gone to far to change Have we gone to far to change Temos ido tão longe para mudarmos Brainwashed Brainwashed Lavagem cerebral Like hollywood Like hollywood Como Hollywood Spreading through your neighborhood Spreading through your neighborhood Espalhando-se através de sua vizinhança Built up, burnt down, watch out Built up, burnt down, watch out Acumulado, incendiado, atenção Now its gotten in our blood Now its gotten in our blood Agora é obtido em nosso sangue Time is running out Time is running out O tempo está acabando It's running out, it's running out It's running out, it's running out Ele está correndo, está se esgotando I feel weak I feel weak Eu me sinto fraco I feel numb I feel numb Eu me sinto entorpecido Had enough Had enough Tive o bastante Of this poison we've injected Of this poison we've injected Desse veneno que injetaram Living in this world infected Living in this world infected Vivendo neste mundo infectado Out, let me out Out, let me out Saída, deixe-me sair Tell me how Tell me how Diga-me como We all got so disconnected We all got so disconnected Todos nós fomos tão desconectados Sick of living in this world infected Sick of living in this world infected Cansado de viver neste mundo infectado It's systematic It's systematic É sistemático Livin in this haze Livin in this haze Vivendo neste nevoeiro Sleeping on a live grenade Sleeping on a live grenade Dormindo sobre uma granada Blacked out, face down, no sound Blacked out, face down, no sound Apaguei, de bruços, sem som We're blowin up this place We're blowin up this place Nós estamos estourando este lugar How long How long Por quanto tempo Can we endure Can we endure Podemos suportar When we've tainted all that's pure When we've tainted all that's pure Quando tivermos contaminado tudo que é puro Selfish, high risk, death wish Selfish, high risk, death wish Egoísmo, risco alto , desejo de morte What if no one finds a cure What if no one finds a cure E se ninguém encontra uma cura Time is running out Time is running out O tempo está acabando It's running out, it's running out It's running out, it's running out Ele está correndo, está se esgotando I feel weak I feel weak Eu me sinto fraco I feel numb I feel numb Eu me sinto entorpecido Had enough Had enough Tive o bastante Of this poison we've injected Of this poison we've injected Desse veneno que injetaram Living in this world infected Living in this world infected Vivendo neste mundo infectado Out, let me out Out, let me out Saída, deixe-me sair Tell me how Tell me how Diga-me como We all got so disconnected We all got so disconnected Todos nós fomos tão desconectados Sick of living in this world infected Sick of living in this world infected Cansado de viver neste mundo infectado

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