
The Colonial Wing

A Ala Colonial

here is the store house of Her Majesty here is the store house of Her Majesty aqui é a casa da loja de Sua Majestade well guarded by sentry well guarded by sentry bem guardada por sentinelas but looks are free but looks are free mas os olhares estão livres call this the rayless and benighted age call this the rayless and benighted age witches by tallow candles shifted witches by tallow candles shifted chamar essa idade rayless e ignorantes shifted their shapes shifted their shapes bruxas por velas de sebo mudou here is the pestle and mortar here is the pestle and mortar mudou suas formas that ground the poison seed that ground the poison seed aqui é o almofariz eo pilão a lute, a suit for jousting a lute, a suit for jousting esse fundamento que o veneno de sementes and the poems of a balladeer and the poems of a balladeer um alaúde, um terno para jousting when all the Latin books were copied off when all the Latin books were copied off e os poemas de um balladeer in golden script in golden script quando todos os livros Latina foram copiadas well hoarded away in well hoarded away in no script de ouro a monastery crypt a monastery crypt bem longe no acumulado superstition superstition uma cripta mosteiro superstition beyond belief superstition beyond belief over mountain, over dune and over sea over mountain, over dune and over sea superstição crude map and compass lead the caravan crude map and compass lead the caravan superstição além da crença and lead the fleet and lead the fleet here's the loot and plunder here's the loot and plunder sobre a montanha, sobre dunas e sobre o mar they bore home they bore home mapa e bússola bruto levar a caravana ivory tusk inlaid with precious stone ivory tusk inlaid with precious stone e levar a frota raw silk and spices by the barrel load raw silk and spices by the barrel load aqui está a saque e pilhagem a soft skin drum with mallets a soft skin drum with mallets eles traziam para casa of human bone of human bone marfim incrustado com pedras preciosas a world wide rampage a world wide rampage seda e especiarias pela carga barril rampage of greed rampage of greed uma pele macia tambor com baquetas so here the tour concludes so here the tour concludes do osso humano The Colonial Wing The Colonial Wing the rooms of the most refined the rooms of the most refined um alvoroço em todo o mundo museum property museum property rampage da ganância an early pair of spectacles an early pair of spectacles a claw footed divan a claw footed divan Então, aqui termina a turnê ornate clocks with birds that strut ornate clocks with birds that strut A Ala Colonial on the half hours and quarter hours on the half hours and quarter hours os quartos dos mais refinados hear them chime hear them chime propriedade museu

Composição: Robert Buck/Natalie Merchant

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